Health & Fitness

The Food You Eat Can Make You Lose Fat??!!

Low Fat Foods DON’T WORK!

You cannot lose fat eating processed Low Fat Diet foods. While it’s true that fat has more calories per gram, most low fat foods are full of carbs, and not just any carbs, but high glycemic index carbs. Do you know what all carbs turn into in the body? Sugar. Would you eat a 1 pound bag of sugar and expect to drop fat?


Low fat foods have been popular for more than 15 years, but our society is getting more fat as each year passes. 37% of the population over 30, and 55% of the population over 50 is clinically obese! This fact alone should tell you that eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight.

Low Carb and Low Calorie Plans DON’T WORK.


You’ll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb Dieting Plan (35-50 grams per day). Low carb diets have recently become popular over the last couple years, but the issue with low carb plans is they typically restrict calorie intake to the point of kicking in the bodies “starvation response” which automatically starts storing what food you do eat as fat, while burning your precious muscle.

It Is Not Your Weight That Matters

This program is designed to help you lose fat and tone your muscles. We are not really concerned with your body weight, except in relation to your Body Fat % and Calorie Intake Calculations.

The reason is actually simple:
Bone is denser than muscle, muscle is denser than fat. As you eat and train correctly, you will likely experience an increase in bone/muscle mass or density – yes, even those who are not trying to build muscle.

When you start to exercise, your muscles will become denser, as will your bones. In the beginning you will likely add weight even while losing fat. And do not let this concern you. Muscle helps burn fat. As you can see from the image, 5 lbs of muscle takes up less space than 5 lbs of fat. As your body fat decreases, your weight may or may not go down immediately. This program is designed for health, cutting body fat and for those who choose that program, muscle building, not controlling your specific weight in pounds.


This image is no joke – both girls are 5 foot 6 inches tall and weight 130 pounds! You may not want to be as ripped or muscular as Monica, the girl on the left, but this should prove the point – Muscle takes up less space per pound. Or said another way, if you add 10 pounds of muscle, and lose 9 pounds of fat, you will weigh one (1) pound more, but be visually smaller! Great for dress sizes.

You are fat for a simple reason — because you eat the wrong foods and types of calories at the wrong times.

Look at yourself – I am not trying to be mean, I have been there. But the way you look and feel is your body SHOUTING at you! Listen to your Body!

FOOD is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills, because the FOOD that you eat will either make you THIN or FAT. You don’t get fat because of a lack of exercising. Exercise is the vehicle to firm, shape and grow muscle. You get fat because you don’t eat the right foods at the right intervals each day.

You have gotten fat by eating the wrong foods, that much is a fact. And guess what? You can get SLIM and lose the FAT by eating the RIGHT FOODS at the RIGHT TIMES each day.

It is really that simple. No starving yourself. No long workouts. Just learn to start your natural fat loss engine.

Did you know that your body releases hormones that either help store the food as fat, or use the food as fuel and start the fat burning process? It is true!

Every time you eat something there are 2 types of hormones that can be released into your bloodstream, and together they control Fat Burning and Fat Storage.

Also, did you know that these 2 hormones are controlled by the foods that you eat? This is true as well. Different foods and ratios control the release of fat storing or fat burning hormones.

If you learn how, when and what to eat – and then do it, you will lose fat. Nothing magic to it.

The MAIN Reason Why People Are Fat

The sad truth is most of us have been misled – and I don’t mean just the little changes in fitness knowledge. Sure, as science has progressed, we have learned that certain assumptions turned out to be not true, and this is just the nature of progressing knowledge.

The issues I am referring to are the more blatant marketing lies.


For example, you simply cannot spot reduce fat. So all of the creams that promised to remove fat from your stomach or legs don’t. Or how about the Ab Wheel, Ab Rocker, or even the Ab Circle Pro Fitness Abdominal Trainer Machine – all promoted to give you a sleeker and rock hard set of abs. First off, they only work the abs. Secondly, you can not spot reduce fat – and if you have excess body fat you need to reduce your total body fat percentage. Your abs are already there, covered in a layer of fat, just like mine were.

But there are worse lies!

And it is these lies about so called health food that is creating the fat problems many people experience. Let me explain:

Your number one enemy is SUGAR.

I bet you already knew that though. But did you know that many of the so called health foods are actually the foods making you fat? Hard to believe? It’s not if you understand how food is processed by the body, and what hormones it impacts.

Click To Enlarge

For example, everyone believes that drinking orange juice is healthy – right? Yet orange juice has the same impact on your body as drinking soda.

In reading this label, orange juice has 26 grams of carbs (22 grams are already sugar). Pepsi has 28 grams of carbs with all of it being sugar. The only carbohydrate that does not become sugar in the body is “Fiber” (and the fiber is removed from this orange juice making it pure sugar). So these two drinks have the same impact as far as adding fat to your waistline. Sure, the orange juice has vitamin C and the Pepsi doesn’t – but you are going to add fat by drinking either one.

Try this one: Assuming you eat the same calories of both, which of these foods will cause more fat gain if eaten alone: Dark Chocolate OR Watermelon?

The Watermelon will cause MORE fat gain if eaten alone than the Dark Chocolate will.


Why Is This?

Quite simply carbohydrates are processed by the body to become sugar. The faster the body can process this food to sugar, the more sugar spike your body gets. When your blood sugar goes up too high, so does your fat storage.

Just to drive home the point, we know that too much sugar can lead to Diabetes – and yet America is bracing for a Diabetes epidemic.

4 Simple Principles Can Help You Loose Fat

  • Learn the EXACT foods that increase fat loss in the body
  • Learn the EXACT foods that are preventing your body from burning fat
  • Learn the right times to eat to increase fat loss in the body
  • Learn the truth about exercise and fat loss

And you can do this with no cravings, hunger pains or starvation. Oh, and you don’t have to go to the gym for hours everyday either.

Typical Results

  • Lose 3-10 lbs of fat (not water or muscle) in the first week
  • Lose 1-3 lbs of fat each additional week
  • No Hunger
  • No Cravings
  • No Starvation

The truth is this: Eat the right foods, and lose fat – couple that with the right workout and build a truly stunning physique. We all want a short-cut, and all I can say is “This is the fastest fat loss system possible. In 12 weeks you will have a body you haven’t seen in a long time – or ever.” It is either that, or keep trying all the fad stuff that doesn’t work, and look like you do next year, and the year after, and the year after that….

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AlphaX is a C level executive and unconventional philanderer who specializes in self development, human behavior, and seduction. He has been a writer for,, as well as having been interviewed for Double Your Dating Interview Series by David DeAngelo, on the Advanced Dating Techniques DVD as well as the Cliff's List DVD series. He currently offers training and practical advice for attracting women at Politically Incorrect Publications.

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